Health Services FAQ

My child needs to take medication during the school day. Can the school nurse administer the medication?

The administration of medication in the school should be avoided whenever possible and will only be administered in the exceptional circumstances wherein the child’s health may be jeopardized without it. All medications must be prescribed by a physician, nurse practitioner or physician assistant.

All medication of any type, whether over the counter or prescription drugs, must be placed in the custody of the school nurse with the child’s name and directions on the original container, plus a note from the parents and doctor.
You may also use the Authorization of Medication form (Parent and Doctor Med Letter) found under Medical Forms on the District Health Services website.
The medication must be in the original bottle from the pharmacy with the pharmacy’s label and dosage instructions. Parents themselves are to bring the medication to the nurse and not entrust the children to carry medicines on the school bus.

My child has been sick. How do I know if they can come back to school?

The school district, in consultation with the school physician, has issued guidelines for the minimum exclusion period for specific illnesses. The guidelines are posted in the Health Services Handbook under the Communicable Disease Policy Notice.

These parameters are established to ensure the health of the entire school community. For instance, if your child has a fever, vomiting, or diarrhea, he or she may return to school only when free of symptoms without medication for at least 24 hours. Please keep in mind that the exclusion times listed are minimum requirements, and you are encouraged to keep your child home until he or she is feeling well.

Can my child be in school if diagnosed with a concussion?

If your child has been diagnosed with a concussion, it is necessary that you follow up with your child’s physician. The physician will provide orders for academic accommodations and physical restrictions as needed.